MWedel, thanks for the feedback. :)

> The game could then display something like 'you have picked up/dropped all 
> you can right now', and player then has to repeat that action on the next 
> tick.

This is definitely a very blunt fix, and thus has blunt consequences.
For example, let's say a player *did* need to pick up 1000 items. If
they're limited to 10 items per tick, and the operation returns after
those ten items, they'll have to issue "get all" 100 times before all
the items are retrieved. I think it's definitely better to only
inflict a time penalty, not a time penalty + UI penalty.

> Linked lists are also not particularly efficient when dealing with having to 
> search them

I understand that trees are much better for random sorts, insertions,
and lookups, but I'll point out that I proposed a linked list simply
because it will only ever have items appended to the end, or processed
in a linear fashion. Although, maybe there's a penalty to deleting
items from the front of the list or something.

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