This intent doesn't speak about the status of the spec, support from other
vendors, the risks involved with implementing etc.

Please look at blink-dev for how to write proper intents (which includes
all of these things).

The above is really what I want to know about before giving the initial
green light.

Zoltan, are you are the owner of this spec, can you share some light and
also does the implementation plan sound good to you?


On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Huang, Deqing <>wrote:

>  *Description*: This implemented W3C Contacts Manager API on Android
> *Affected component: *N/A
> *Related feature:* 
> *XWALK-49*<>
> *Target Release:* Crosswalk M4
> *Implementation details:*
> Spec: 
> **<>
> Summary:
> This API is designed as an internal extension based the
> *XWalkExtensionBridge*<>
> .
> JSAPI part:
> *Promise * <>will be used as per spec
> indicates. This Promise interface would be the same as other extensions
> which also has Promise defined in their specs.
> Java part:
> Most operations are based on *Content 
> Provider*<>,
> which is, using 
> *ContentResolver*<>to
>  access and modify system's *Contact
> data table 
> *<>as
> required. There are several major parts described below:
> 1> For saving or updating a contact, will build an array list of 
> *ContentProviderOperation
> *<>and
> apply to the system's contact table in batch in order to increase
> performance.
> 2> For finding a contact, will construct a SQL clause by find option to
> query contact data table and build results to JSON string to post back to
> caller. Similarly when removing one or more contacts, will construct a SQL
> selection clause to delete rows of contact data table.
> 3> For message handler of Contacts change, will register a *C**ontent **O*
> *bserver*<>to
>  listen change of contact data table by
> *ContentResolver*<>
> .
> Regards,
> Deqing
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Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Web Platform Architect, Intel Corporation.
Phone  +45 4294 9458 ﹆﹆﹆
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