> Here's the BibTeX entry for the paper that apparently "started it all"..

The D-H paper is the public start of public-key crypto.  The scientific
American article by Gardner explained, pre-patent-issuance, RSA to the
world. The start of PKI is an MIT Master's Thesis that created

Sorry, no references to any of the above.  Should not be hard to find.

The adoption by X.509 for use as authentication in X.500 got us common
technology, and is probably the only reason anyone will ever have to
ASN.1 and DER. :)

The old IETF PEM project gave us "---BEGIN" lines :) and showed
that global X.500 deployment is a non-starter.  RSA's version, which
the IETF's S/MIME showed how to do it practically.

I'll stop now before I get too cynical. :)

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