The South African Law Commission (a body that makes suggestions to
the central goverment about changes in legislation) has released
a discussion paper on interception and monitoring of electronic

Parts of the proposed legislation are reminiscent of the worst parts of
the US FBI-sponsored Digital Telephony legistation a few years ago:

  * Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, no person ... may
    provide [any telecommunications service] which is not capable and
    does not have the capacity to be monitored

  * any person ... rendering a telecommunications service shall at own
    cost ... acquire ... facilities ... to enable the monitoring of
    conversations and communications ...

  * the investment ... and operating costs in enabling a
    telecommunications service to be capable of being mionitored, shall
    be carried by the person ... rendering such a service

  * duplicate signals ... shall be routed by the relevant person ... to
    the central monitoring centre, to be designated by ... [the police],
    [the military], [the National Intelligence Agency], [the South
    African Secret Service].

Whether Internet service providers are "telecommunication service
providers" in terms of relevant legislation is not entirely clear.

See the South African Law Commission web page at
<URL:>, and follow the links to

   * Project 105
     Review of Security Legislation
     Discussion Paper 78
     The Interception and Monitoring Prohibition Act 127 of 1992
     (November 1998)

or go directly to
<URL:> for the
paper in PDF format.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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