Thanks to Alan Barrett for pointing to the provocative
SA wiretap paper. And his critique is apt.

We offer it in HTML:  (364K)

The "Review of Security Legislation" looks at electronic 
surveillance law in several countries -- South Africa, US, UK, 
France, Germany,  the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada and 
Hong Kong, with detailed review of legislation of the last two -- 
as a basis for new legislation to protect against latest intrusive 
technology, or, rather, to restrict its usage to government 

Its comparative review of surveillance law is informative
for the way it lays out the similarity of each country's definition of 
the threat of technology -- somewhat to citizen privacy but more
importantly to law enforcement. It notes variations in privacy 
protection law, and finds, for example, US and UK deficiencies 
in that area even as these countries excell in manufacturing
the evil tools. SA sees strong encryption as a challenge to 

So, as Alan notes, South Africa is joining the crowd in tightening 
controls on technology by proposing that telecomm providers 
make their systems accessible to government (at their own 
expense), emulating the recent US-EU snooping agreement 
advanced by the FBI and Europol.

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