At 09:58 PM 4/6/99 +0100, William Whyte wrote:
>> Do any of the ipsec folks out there have any idea whether the Palm III has
>> the oomph to do IPSEC?
>> I'm thinking about that active badge stuff, where you beam yourself an
>> environment and file access onto the nearest larger machine...
>I did a back-of-an-envelope calculation recently which made it look
>like they could just about hack RSA public key operations, and
>presumably also ECDSA/ECDH, but would take way too long (c. 2 minutes)
>to do RSA private key ops or DSA/DH. As you work up towards the bigger
>Palms the figures get better, but still scary.

Hmm.. a crypto-ibutton would not take up much space...


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