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Subject: ECC Seminar April 27, 1999
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 16:45:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lesley Ireton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please post or circulate
Electronic Commerce Canada Inc. presents:

Seminar Announcement
Tuesday, April 27, 1999
Location: Sussex Room, Government Conference Centre, 2 Rideau Street,
Ottawa, ON
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Admission is free - bring a friend - no pre-registration required

8:00 - Coffee
An opportunity to network with people of common interests.

8:40 - Welcome and Announcements
David Johnson, President, Electronic Commerce Canada Inc.

8:45 - Intercorporate Digital Information Exchange in a Borderless World.

Broadband digital information exchange has become paramount in the
accelerated world of electronic commerce. Transport and security
infrastructures have been relegated to implementation detail levels as
corporate and geographical borders become increasingly transparent. The
requirement for backoffice interconnectivity between extranet topologies is
necessitating the defacto standardization of process and policy neutrality
for emerging technologies.
Nortel Networks has been instrumental in the resolution of these issues
with its trading partners, joint ventures and customers for over 6 years
and will outline some of the strategic approaches and architectures that
have facilitated successful digital information exchange.

Presenter: Ryan M. Stark MSc and Robert Browne

Robert Browne and Ryan Stark are both Director level executives with Nortel
Networks and have been extensively involved in the intercorporate digital
information exchange area for over 6 years. Backgrounds in engineering and
communications network product development provide for a broad base
understanding of the issues and technical barriers to intercorporate
electronic information exchange.

9:30 - Building Online Communities of Interest

Presenter: Allain Larochelle, Bell Emergis

10:30 - Adjournment

Future ECC Events - A complete list of Fall Seminar dates is available on
our web site at <www.ecc.ca>

Electronic Commerce Canada Inc. 582 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K1R 5K2
Tel: 613-237-2324  Fax: 613-237-9900 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  internet:
The Willow Group:Association Management - Conference Planning -
582 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K1R 5K2 Telephone: 613-237-2324 Fax:
Visit our web page for more information <<www.thewillowgroup.com>>

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