Carl Ellison wrote:

> I've been guilty of sloppy use of English, occasionally, and one such
> sloppiness that I run into occasionally is with the word "entropy"
> for cryptographic purposes.
> What we need is a word or very short phrase to capture the full
> phrase:
> "the conditional entropy of a measurement given all the information about the
> measurement that an attacker is expected to acquire, under the threat model for
> which the present use is being designed."
> In casual language, I might call this "undiscoverability", but it's
> far too large a word.


The first problem in what you want is that you presented it here as a pointer
that points to itself.  Note that the word "entropy" within the quoted section
was not defined by you and  you seem to want a word for the whole quoted
section as "undiscoverability" -- and yet, you first affirm in the Subject of
this message that "Word needed for Entropy" is your objective.

So, your options are:

1. if the word "entropy" used in that quoted section is not standard, thus
jusfiying your subject title and your guilt ;-), a description of what you mean
by the quoted section is necessary before anything can be said about
that implicit token "entropy", or

2. if the word "entropy is being used in a standard meaning in that quoted
section, then what you need is a word for that quoted section, not for
entropy, and you are no longer guilty of using "entropy"  in a sloppy way ;-)

Please, choose.


Ed Gerck

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