Steve Mynott wrote:
> There used to be two keys I believe a little (weak) key and a larger (strong)
> key.  In the (patched to domestic US strength) version of Netscape I use
> (Linux 4.07) the padlock is always the same size.  It may be my version
> is broken.
> Anyone with a legit. US browser confirm that this visual cue (icon
> size) has been removed?

Up through 3.0, we used a key with one tooth for weak crypto and a key with two
teeth for strong crypto.  In 4.0, the UI people changed it to a padlock. 
Although we complained bitterly, they never put in any visual distinction
between weak and strong crypto, although most of the code to do it is still

What is appropriate for the master is not appropriate| Tom Weinstein
for the novice.  You must understand Tao before      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
transcending structure.  -- The Tao of Programming   |

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