Russell Nelson wrote:
>You can't just take the output of one of those crypto systems and stuff 
>it into the "random" bits of a real-life sample.  There's too much 
>plaintext for the stego to hide. Stego needs a special type of 
>cryptography that has no known plaintext in its encrypted output -- 
>where the output of the stego algorithm is just as white as the white 
>noise it replaces

You could take a cue from S-tools; it uses the cipher you choose as a
prng to reorder the data.  S-tools seeds the prng with a password+salt,
but you could encrypt the seed w/ the public key, put it at the start, 
recover that with your private key, seed the generator, and extract the
pgp message.  That way, there's known plaintext, but you don't know
where to look for it.
Mike Stay
Cryptographer / Programmer
AccessData Corp.

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