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Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 10:45:29 -0600
From: Robert Huddleston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP: Clinton comes after the Internet by Joseph Farah
Reply-To: Robert Huddleston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

between the lines Joseph Farah
WND Exclusive Commentary
Clinton comes after the Internet
by Joseph Farah
   Well, it was a long time coming, but Bill Clinton has finally made his
move on the Internet.

Late last week, when reporters and members of Congress were going home for
the weekend, he issued one of his now-famous executive orders -- this one
on "Internet conduct."

Like almost all such orders, it will sound quite innocuous on a quick first
read. But these guys in the Clinton administration are clever. This action
sets up a working group of top U.S. officials to study the whole concept of
policing the Internet. No, Clinton doesn't use that word, but that's
clearly the intent of this order -- the establishment of a national
Internet police force.

But if you catch that much -- and few will -- then the wording of this
order is designed to make you relax because the working group is simply
going to write a report! We all know government reports don't kill people,
right? Nobody gets hurt by a government report unless they drop it on you.

However, let's take a look at what's being studied here: No. 1 -- How the
federal government can insinuate itself into this revolutionary new medium.
And, No. 2 -- How new technology tools, capabilities or legal authorities
may be required for effective investigation and prosecution.

Let me repeat that last purpose behind this working group and this
executive order in the actual language used by Clinton: "The extent to
which new technology tools, capabilities, or legal authorities may be
required for effective investigation and prosecution of unlawful conduct
that involves the use of the Internet."

Get it? "New technology" equals spying tools. "Capabilities" means
surveillance capabilities. And "legal authorities" means Internet police.

You've got to understand the bureaucratic jargon here. Think of me as your
Clintonese translator. Remember, this is a man who questions what the word
"is" means. You've got to leave this to the professionals -- and that means

Now here's the other scary part of this executive order. Normally with
these task forces, the president allows a year or more for study and
reports. Not this time. Guess what his deadline is?

"The Working Group shall complete its work to the greatest extent possible
and present its report and recommendations to the President and Vice
President within 120 days of the date of this order," the executive order

What! That means the report must be prepared before the end of the year. I
would suggest to you that this means the report is already drafted. I would
suggest further evidence for that conclusion is that Clinton is also
requiring the committee to circulate the report to federal agencies well
before it comes to the White House.

Why would he do that? Because the White House has already seen it. The
White House has written it.

Who's going to be a part of this working group? The chairman is Janet Reno,
and the members are most of the important Cabinet officers. Do you really
think those guys and gals could draft a report on policing the Internet in
less than 120 days?


Something's up here, folks. Something smells really foul.

Now what do you suppose is in that future report? Hillary once told us the
Internet needed gatekeepers and controls.

"We are all going to have to rethink how we deal with this, because there
are all these competing values," Hillary said last year. She also deplored
the fact that the Internet lacks "any kind of editing function or
gatekeeping function."

I think Clinton's about to make his move on our last best hope for freedom
-- the Internet. Methinks the Internet is about to get an official editor
or a government gatekeeper.

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Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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