----- Original Message -----
From: Henry Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Derek Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 1999 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: linux-ipsec: Re: Summary re: /dev/random

> > and also they are not running in Intel hardware with a Linux OS...
> Speak for yourself.  Mine are.  I think you'd be surprised at how common
> this has become, in applications which are not severely pressed for
> performance.  The sort of PC that people are discarding, in favor of
> faster and more modern ones, can route/firewall/security-gateway a T1
> quite well.  Anything much faster than that probably does need custom
> hardware... this year.

Trere are also commercial products implementing encrypting firewalls on top
of a Linux kernel. The vendor of one of them, Watchguard Technologies, has
gone public one month ago (http://quote.yahoo.com/q?s=WGRD&d=3m).


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