At 1:49 PM -0400 9/6/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Arnold Reinhold wrote:
> > If a field worker might have access to  a computer in country but
> > would not be in a position to use PGP, I'd suggest CipherSaber, which
> > is based on RC4 and is simple enough to program from memory (see
> > Almost all PCs come with Qbasic built
> > in or on the CD-ROM. I haven't tried it, but CipherSaber should fit
> > easily into most of the newer graphing calculators (The $200 TI-92+
> > even has a qwerty keyboard. See
>Yeah, I have no doubt that RC4 could be implemented quite easily on
>TI calculators (certainly on the 85, 86, 92 and 89 .. and probably
>on the 82 and 83 as well .. though I haven't programmed them).

The 82 has a maximum list length of 99 values, which would make it a 
pain to implement RC4's 256 byte S array.  The others look more than 
capable. They all have alphanumeric displays and a full alphabet on 
their keyboards.

>I did MD5 on my 92 awhile back.

In TI Basic? I'm impressed.

BTW, several of these units also permit assembly language 
programming. The 83/83+ is Z80 based. The 89/92+ are 68000 based, 
with 188K of RAM.  PGP isn't out of the question on those.

>A couple of points in making an actual crypto application on the TI
>(as opposed to just doing an algorithm):
>   Transferring ciphertext from the TI to a computer would require
>   a utility on the computer to wrap up the ciphertext to make it look
>   like a list to the TI. Then the TI can do nice, easy subscripting
>   to access the list. A table might be needed to display the plaintext,
>   since I don't know if they use ASCII.

I was thinking of the calculators more as stand-alone cipher 
machines, a la Enigma, but with modern, strong encryption (RC4). 
Ciphertext would be entered or written down as hex pairs or even 
3-digit decimal numbers. The ciphertext could  be transmitted via 
FAX, e-mail, snail mail or, tediously, by voice. As long as 
CipherSaber's 10-byte IV is sent correctly, a single ciphertext 
garble will only cause the corresponding plaintext letter to be 
wrong.  FAX has an advantage in that it is harder to screen for 
ciphertext than e-mail and it is more universally available.

An interesting variant would be to restrict plaintext to the 26 
letters of the alphabet (same as Enigma and Solitiare). Ciphertext 
would then also be composed of letters of the alphabet. A simple way 
to do this would be to discard RC4  cipher stream output bytes that 
are greater than 233.  (234 = 9*26). Reduce cipher stream bytes that 
are not discarded  modulo 26, and then add or subtract them from the 
numerical value of the letter (A=0, B=1,...). This should be at least 
as strong as RC4. The values will be at least as uniformly 
distributed as RC4,  you are using less entropy per cycle and the 
discarded bytes provide added mixing.

  Ciphertext would be the same size as plaintext except for the IV. 
The IV could be sent as 20 hex digits coded as [A-P].  For a small to 
medium network, another alternative is to base the IV on the date and 
time of the message, along with some code indicating the sender, 
perhaps the numerical value of the sender's initials.  Remember, the 
IV only has to be unique.

Of course it wouldn't be much more effort to support both 26 symbol 
and 256 symbol modes.

Staples stocks the TI-83+ at $92.99. So for under a hundred bucks and 
a little time spent in TIBasic programming you can own an 
off-the-shelf coding machine using strong encryption, interoperable 
with CipherSaber programs on other platforms, in a reasonably 
portable and innocent-looking package.  And it will still do math. 
Anyone care to try it?

Arnold Reinhold

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