Arnold Reinhold wrote:
> Perry, if you really believe that the question of whether a given 
> lump of object code contains a Thompson Trap is formally undecidable 
> I'd be interested in seeing a proof. Otherwise Herr Goedel has 
> nothing to do with this.

That sure smells undecidable to me.  Any non-trivial predicate P on
Turing machines (non-trivial meaning that both P and not-P are
non-empty) is undecidable by Rice's Theorem.  There are technical
issues in encoding onto the tape all possible interactions with the
world -- the theorem doesn't apply if some inputs are deemed illegal
-- but, hey, it's all countably infinite; re-encode with the naturals.

The practical impact of this is not immediately apparent.  All
non-trivial theorem-proving about programs is futile in this same
sense, but people do it, or try.  They have a lot of difficulties less
arcane than running into the pathological cases constructed to prove
these undecidability theorems.

> Your argument reminds me of claims I always 
> hear that nothing can be measured because of the Heisenberg 
> Uncertainty principle.

I do feel your pain.

     Eli Brandt  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

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