Arnold Reinhold wrote:
> >Arnold Reinhold wrote:
> > > Perry, if you really believe that the question of whether a given
> > > lump of object code contains a Thompson Trap is formally undecidable
> I am not asking about the class of all Turing machines, just one 
> particular lump of object code OC that happens to be a compiler--say 
> the C++ compiler on the Red Hat 6.0 distribution.

I must admit, even though you said "whether a given lump" I assumed
the decision procedure was supposed to exist uniformly over lumps.  
If you swap the quantifiers, sure, for any program there exists a
decision procedure -- either the decider that always says "yes" or the
one that always says "no".  (Okay, I see why you don't find theory

     Eli Brandt  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |

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