This deserves further explanation. In order to begin an SSL session, the 
server must present its public key and its site certificate to the client. 
If the certificate has been signed by a trusted key (popular browsers ship 
with many keys, held by CA's, pre-marked as trusted in the local key 
database), it will be accepted if the domain name in the certificate 
matches the domain name which presents the key. Some browsers support 
"wildcard certs" which can be used for every machine in a domain - e.g., 
"", "", and so forth; while others want a 
strict match on the fully qualified domain name.

If the server does not present a public key with a certificate signed by a 
pre-trusted signer, the user will be prevented from visiting the site, or 
will be able to click through a series of dialog boxes warning them that 
they're accepting a certificate signed by a previously unknown signer, 
depending on the browser and its configuration.

For the attack described earlier to succeed, one of two conditions must be 
met - the hijacking site must get a certificate (which matches a 
public/private keypair that it holds) signed by a pretrusted key, or the 
user must agree to accept the certificate even though it's signed by an 
unfamiliar signer.

How would a hijacking site get such a key? They could pay a CA for it, 
perhaps by tricking the CA into issuing the key, or by modifying the local 
software to insert their own key into the list of trusted keys. (It's 
possible that browser publishers are using cryptographic techniques to make 
the latter more difficult, but I have no idea whether they do or not.)

Whether or not the hijacker can succeed in tricking a CA into issuing a 
cert wrongfully is a complicated question - it's probably (hopefully?) hard 
to reach that goal if the domain name requested is a well-known one. If a 
small business called "Mom's Diner" requests a key from CA 1 for, and a hijacker requests from CA 2, it's 
possible that CA 2 won't notice the overlap, or won't care, particularly 
where both parties can reasonably justify their use of the name "Mom's 
Diner", which isn't hard. Given the geographic diversity of CA's, it's 
probably not hard to get a distant CA to issue a certificate that a local 
CA would just laugh at.

Another attack might involve taking advantage of display versus core 
abstraction - redirect the user to a site where the holder has requested a 
certificate for their own domain name, so the underlying SSL code won't 
sqwawk about a domain name/certificate mismatch, but use Javascript or 
ActiveX to rewrite the portion of the display which indicates to the user 
what site they're visiting. This way, the browser believes it's connecting 
to "", gets a cert for "", and cheerfully 
begins an SSL connection; but the user looking at the screen thinks they're 
still talking to "", sees the unbroken blue key, and cheerfully 
hands over their credit card.

Contemporary browsers include multiple means of delivering the 
site/certificate information, making it harder to perform this latter 
attack, but they only work if people use them, and I don't think that most 
people do.

Having said that, however, I think the first article was somewhat 
irresponsible and underinformed, both with respect to SSL being "broken", 
and with respect to there being no replacement in place. SSL is cheerfully 
providing a secure connection, given all of the information available to it 
- it's the wider environment (humans and DNS) that are allowing themselves 
to be tricked. TLS (a replacement for SSL) has been available for over a 
year now - while it's got its own problems (where it's incomplete, not 
where it's insecure), it's old news by now, too.

At 04:35 PM 10/6/99 , Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

>This is a problem with SSL 2.0 first discovered by Simon Spero then at
>It was fixed in SSL 3.0, that must be almost three years ago.
>The server certificate now binds the public key to a specific Web server
>                 Phill
>-----Original Message-----
>Robert Hettinga
>Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 4:22 PM
>Subject: Is SSL dead? (was Re: ECARM NEWS for October 06,1999 Second
>At 2:00 PM -0400 on 10/6/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Title: Special Kurt's Closet: Is SSL dead?
> > Resource Type: News letter
> > Date: Semptember 30, 1999
> > Source: Security Portal
> > Author: Kurt Seifried
> >
> > Abstract/Summary:
> > The title is a bit scary, but I wanted to get your attention
> >(worked, didn't it?). Most
> > security experts have been aware of problems with SSL, but
> >generally speaking we
> > haven't said much because there wasn't much of a replacement
> >available for it,
> > and it hasn't been exploited extensively (chances are it will be,
> >though). I'll start
> > with an explanation of the basic attack, followed by some methods
> >to protect yourself,
> > and finish with an interview with Dale Peterson of DigitalBond and
> >the summary.
> >
> > How to do it
> >
> > Let's say I want to scam people's credit card numbers, and don't
> >want to break into
> > a server. What if I could get people to come to me, and voluntarily
> >give me their
> > credit card numbers? Well, this is entirely too easy.
> >
> > I would start by setting up a web server, and copying a popular
> >site to it, say
> >, time required to do this with a tool
> >such as wget is
> > around 20-30 minutes. I would then modify the forms used to submit
> >information
> > and make sure they pointed to my server, so I now have a copy of
> > that looks and feels like the "real"
> >thing. Now, how do
> > I get people to come to it? Well I simply poison their DNS caches
> >with my information,
> > so instead of pointing to, I
> >would point it to
> > my server at Now when people go to
> > they end
> > up at my site, which looks just like the real one.
> >
> > Original URL:
> >
> > Added: Wed  Oct  6 12:41:14 -040 1999
> > Contributed by: Keeffee
>Robert A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
>44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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Greg Broiles
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