Thought this would be of interest -- it was a posting Dave made to the
"Interesting People" mailing list.

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Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 11:42:09 -0500
From: Dave Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP: BBC Online 2/10/99: "Global spy network revealed"

>Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 16:03:52 +0000
>Global spy network revealed
>Listening in to your phone calls and reading your emails
>By Andrew Bomford of BBC Radio 4's PM programme
>Imagine a global spying network that can eavesdrop on every single phone
>call, fax or e-mail, anywhere on the planet.
>It sounds like science fiction, but it's true.
>Two of the chief protagonists - Britain and America - officially deny its
>existence. But the BBC has confirmation from the Australian Government that
>such a network really does exist and politicians on both sides of the
>Atlantic are calling for an inquiry.
>On the North Yorkshire moors above Harrogate they can be seen for miles, but
>still they are shrouded in secrecy. Around 30 giant golf balls, known as
>radomes, rise from the US military base at Menwith Hill.
>Linked to the NSA
>Inside is the world's most sophisticated eavesdropping technology, capable
>of listening-in to satellites high above the earth.
>Facility is said to be capable of 2m intercepts per hour
>The base is linked directly to the headquarters of the US National Security
>Agency (NSA) at Fort Mead in Maryland, and it is also linked to a series of
>other listening posts scattered across the world, like Britain's own GCHQ.
>The power of the network, codenamed Echelon, is astounding.
>Every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission can
>be listened to by powerful computers capable of voice recognition. They home
>in on a long list of key words, or patterns of messages. They are looking
>for evidence of international crime, like terrorism.
>Open Oz
>The network is so secret that the British and American Governments refuse to
>admit that Echelon even exists. But another ally, Australia, has decided not
>to be so coy.
>The man who oversees Australia's security services, Inspector General of
>Intelligence and Security Bill Blick, has confirmed to the BBC that their
>Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) does form part of the network.
>"As you would expect there are a large amount of radio communications
>floating around in the atmosphere, and agencies such as DSD collect those
>communications in the interests of their national security", he said.
>Asked if they are then passed on to countries like Britain and America, he
>said: "They might be in certain circumstances."
>But the system is so widespread all sorts of private communications, often
>of a sensitive commercial nature, are hoovered up and analysed.
>Journalist Duncan Campbell has spent much of his life investigating Echelon.
>In a report commissioned by the European Parliament he produced evidence
>that the NSA snooped on phone calls from a French firm bidding for a
>contract in Brazil. They passed the information on to an American
>competitor, which won the contract.
>"There's no safeguards, no remedies, " he said, "There's nowhere you can go
>to say that they've been snooping on your international communications. Its
>a totally lawless world."
>Breaking the silence
>Both Britain and America deny allegations like this, though they refuse to
>comment further. But one former US army intelligence officer has broken the
>code of silence.
>Colonel Dan Smith told the BBC that while this is feasible, it is not
>official policy: "Technically they can scoop all this information up, sort
>through it, and find what it is that might be asked for," he said. "But
>there is no policy to do this specifically in response to a particular
>company's interests."
>Legislators on both sides of the Atlantic are beginning to sit up and take
>notice. Republican Congressman Bob Barr has persuaded congress to open
>hearings into these and other allegations.
>In December he is coming to Britain to raise awareness of the issue. In an
>interview with the BBC he accused the NSA of conducting a broad "dragnet" of
>communications, and "invading the privacy of American citizens."
>He is joined in his concerns by a small number of politicians In Britain.
>Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker has tabled a series of questions about
>Menwith Hill, but has been met with a wall of silence.
>"There's no doubt it's being used as a listening centre," he said, "There's
>no doubt it's being used for US interests, and I'm not convinced that
>Britain's interests are being best served by this."

David Farber
The Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Telecommunication Systems
University of Pennsylvania
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