[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Goldberg) writes:
> The expected number of collisions you get if you sample S items out of
> a universe of size U (=2^N in the above case) is about (S^2)/U.

I know this is a month old but I'm only now catching up on the
newsgroup.  I'd be surprised if the expected number isn't about
(S^2)/2U where S is large but much smaller than U.  Where S is small
you have to use S(S-1)/2U.  The source of error in this reckoning is
that you treat every pair of members of S as independent, but it's
very small when U is much bigger than S.

If the expected number of collisions is x, the probability of *no*
collisions is I think roughly e^-x.

If I keep generating new members of S from U until I get a collision,
does anyone know the expected size of S when I succeed?
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