At 08:07 PM 7/6/00 -0400, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
>> >The FBI contents that in order to protect U.S. facilities, it must be 
>> >assured that only U.S.-owned companies can be used to handle domestic 
>> >Internet traffic. In the past, the FBI has also insisted that the 
>> >companies employ U.S. citizens to handle potential wiretapping activities.
>This is why we need "IPsec on Everything". Eliminate the FBI's ability to
>conduct wiretaps, and then there would be no concern about foreign
>companies buying communications providers.

The current UK effort is why we also need "Perfect Forward Secrecy In
it's hard to force someone to turn over their decryption keys when their
equipment doesn't store them past a session, and it's easier to argue that
you shouldn't be required to turn over a signature key that can only be
used for forgery
than a decryption key which could reveal past session keys.

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