>Wasn't there a story very much like this, a year or two ago, that turned
>out to be a hoax?  

Not that I have heard about. Ken Cukier's original story was confirmed by a UK 
Customs spokesperson: http://www.sightings.com/political/laptops.htm

'A spokesman for Customs and Excise said officials would routinely
scan laptops for illegal material such as pornography. Encrypted files
will be treated in the same way as a ordinary luggage. "So far as we
are concerned, there is no difference between an encrypted file and a
locked suitcase," said the spokesman. "All travellers entering the
country should be prepared to have their equipment scanned."'

>I suspect the Customs people could get away with all
>kinds of nonsense, but is there any independent documentation that they
>really are getting away with it right now?

I haven't heard anything further since Ken's report, but it may just be 
they've avoided journalists more effectively since then ;)

Ian :)

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