On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 03:07:32PM -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> On 3 Jan 2001, Jaap-Henk Hoepman wrote:
> > Except that eavesdropping on the quantum key distribution channel is _always_
> > detected (by `laws of nature'), which is not true for these pressure-monitored
> > cables. 
> It's not true here anymore either. Last year there was at least one group
> that demonstrated a mechanism for taking a doublet and making it a
> quartet without effecting the entanglement. Check the cypherpunks archive
> for the particular post, early this year. I was the one who posted it to
> the list.

This sounds on the face of it to violate the No-Cloning theorem. Can
anyone repost the reference to the (published, refereed) paper?


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