On 12/15/05, Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Mercer wrote:
> Thanks for the apology, but ... ssh is not my fault.

Sorry, crosswired openssl and openssh in my brain!

> I will agree that something better than just showing you the key would
> be cool. Like maybe it could be signed by something so you can verify it
> that way. Oh, wait. That's PKI, and we all know PKI is broken.

Yeah, 'broken' is about the strongest language we'd want to use on a
public list, huh?

> > Horrible, horrible UI, and I'm not sure what's worse, that or trying
> > to USE pgp (gpg, whatever) from a command line, or getting it
> > integrated into a gui mail client.
> Two words: Thunderbird, enigmail.

Sorry, I've become totally addicted to gmail and just can't imagine
being tied down to a single desktop machine.  Not that gmail is the
end all be all of webmail or anything, and I'm not completely sure how
far I trust them, but they are top dog right now for email in my book.

-David Mercer
Tucson, AZ

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