Jim Hughes writes:
>The IEEE P1619 standard group has dropped LRW mode. It has a  
>vulnerability that that are collisions that will divulge the mixing  
>key which will reduce the mode to ECB.

This is interesting.  Could you elaborate on this?  I suspect we could
all learn from the work the IEEE P1619 working group is doing.

I tried to trawl the P1619 mailing list archives to find some detailed
analysis on the topic of collisions, as you suggested, but I probably
wasn't looking in the right places.  The closest I found was this message:
which estimates that if one continuously accesses the disk for 4.6
years (roughly the average life time of a disk), the chances of seeing
a collision are about 1/2^29.  Is that the analysis that triggered the
concern over collisions?

Are there modes that beat the birthday bound on collisions while using
a 128-bit block cipher?  Are they proven secure beyond the birthday bound?
I'm a little behind on the latest developments in modes of operation.

It would be interesting to hear more about any interesting technical
developments from the P1619 group.

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