Hey all,

I also wanted to double-check these answers before I included them:

3) Is determinism a good idea?
See Debian OpenSSL fiasco.  I have heard Nevada gaming commission
regulations require non-determinism for obvious reasons.

Do those sound right?

I guess the more productive question is "Since determinism requires a PRNG algorithm of some sort, which PRNG properties are needed in a given usage context?"

In all cases, the PRNG relies on a "true" random source for seeding.

You refer to IT security clients (SSL fiasco), IT security servers (virtualization), and lottery/gaming systems. In IT security nowadays large PRNG periods and crypto-strength PRNG algorithm are the norm. As I understand the state of the art in lottery/gaming industry (incl. standards), it is an accepted practice to use "short" period (by IT security standards) PRNG combined with a form of continuous entropy collection: background exercise of the PRNG.

I think the SSL fiasco "root cause analysis" would remind us of criteria that are nowadays well addressed in the IT security sector (assuming minimal peer review of the design and implementation).

In a security analysis, you watch for data leaks, either in the source of truly unpredictable events, or the present/past PRNG state for the deterministic components of your design. If you already need data leak protection for private or secret keys, your system design may already have the required protections for the PRNG state (except that the PRNG state is both long-term -- as a long-term private key or long-term symmetric authentication key -- and updated in the normal system operations -- as session keys).

So, there is no simple answer. I guess every designs facing actual operational demands rely on some determinism because a sudden surge in secret random data usage is hard to fulfill otherwise.

Forgive me to remind the PUDEC (Practical Use of Dice for Entropy Collection) which mates well with a server system design using PRNG determinism after installation (or periodic operator-assisted maintenance). This project is still active. See . You may see this as a bias in my opinions, but I don't see any benefits in misrepresenting relevant facts and analyzes.


- Thierry Moreau

CONNOTECH Experts-conseils inc.
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