On 2013-09-09 6:08 AM, John Kelsey wrote:
a.  Things that just barely work, like standards groups, must in general be 
easier to sabotage in subtle ways than things that click along with great 
efficiency.  But they are also things that often fail with no help at all from 
anyone, so it's hard to tell.

b.  There really are tradeoffs between security and almost everything else.  If 
you start suspecting conspiracy every time someone is reluctant to make that 
tradeoff in the direction you prefer, you are going to spend your career 
suspecting everyone everywhere of being ant-security.  This is likely to be 
about as productive as going around suspecting everyone of being a secret 
communist or racist or something.
Poor analogy.

Everyone is a racist, and most people lie about it.

Everyone is a communist in the sense of being unduly influenced by Marxist ideas, and those few of us that know it have to make a conscious effort to see the world straight, to recollect that some of our supposed knowledge of the world has been contaminated by widespread falsehood.

The Climategate files revealed that official science /is/ in large part a big conspiracy against the truth.

And Snowden's files seem to indicate that all relevant groups are infiltrated by people hostile to security.

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