On 2011-07-13 8:36 AM, Andy Steingruebl wrote:
I reject the SSH key management example though.  Especially if you've
ever maintained a large number/variety of unix servers running SSH,
where hardware failures, machine upgrades, etc. lead to frequent SSH
key churn.  In those cases the only solutions are:

1. Automate key distribution to things like the /etc/known_hosts file
via means that aren't built into or supported by SSH itself really,
they are an adhoc add-on.
2. Go to insane pains to ensure that keys don't ever change. Quite
tricky when you're trying to automate OS installs, etc.
3. Use keys-in-DNS for this, which defaults back to something quite
easy to attack.
4. Give up. Accept all keys without fail and just assume you're not
getting owned.

Option 2 does not seem to require "insane pains", It is less horrid than installing an SSL certificate.
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