On 01/02/2012 21:09, Jon Callas wrote:
As I remember Hal's protocol, it requires about eight megabytes of data to be transferred back and forth to prove that you know the SHA1 hash. It's not so much to be obviously absurd, but not efficient enough to be something you'd want to do often.

Close. If I get it correctly, it is a zero-knowledge proof, with one pass
(leaving I guess <=50% odds of forgery) requiring 100 seconds and
22 kbytes of data (exchanged?), after some initial pre-computation
requiring 40 minutes and 6MBytes of data (storage?), on a PC as
it was circa 14 years ago.

That, and more, is at 6'52" in the talk at

Hal Finney explains he got his result after careful optimizations,
rewriting some SHA-1 internal operations as arithmetic operations
in some appropriate field, rather than as boolean operations.
Everything he says is convincing, but in 7 minutes there is not much
detail, and so far I could not locate any later work (by him or others)
claiming a comparable result. So it is hard to rule out that some error
crept in his work.

  Francois Grieu
cryptography mailing list

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