>  Surely the core of the ruling is that no one except the
  >  defendant knows for sure whether the key exists, knows
  >  whether there is an inner truecrypt volume or not.  The cross
  >  examination of the forensics witness focused on that point.

On 2012-02-25 1:25 PM, d...@geer.org wrote:
One must assume that this nicety does not apply to
border crossings (Customs inspection) where access
to anything and everything is stare decisis.

If they knew the inner drive existed, they could insist on access to it. But they can only suspect.

They can have access to the drive. They can have access to the encrypted drive on the unencrypted drive. They may *speculate* that there is an inner encrypted drive, but the only way they can find out that it exists is to ask me to incriminate myself.

That the customs can have access to everything physical that crosses the border is stare decisis - but it is a big jump that they have access to your state of mind.

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