On Feb 25, 2012, at 6:35 PM, James A. Donald wrote:

> Jon Callas<j...@callas.org>  writes:
> > > I've spoken to law enforcement and border control people
> > > in a country that is not the US, who told me that yeah,
> > > they know all about TrueCrypt and their assumption is that
> > > *everyone* who has TrueCrypt has a hidden volume and if
> > > they find TrueCrypt they just get straight to getting the
> > > second password. They said, "We know about that trick, and
> > > we're not stupid."
> They may assume that - but they cannot prove it.

You're assuming that they operate with the same security model that you do.

Your security model presupposes US law, to start with. I can see that in the 
glib comment asking if I'd ever heard of "innocent until proven guilty" -- 
which is a US principle. It is one that I not only have heard of, but think is 
is pretty darn good idea, too!

Nonetheless, it does not exist everywhere in the world, and I said this was not 
the US. In fact the very reason I said it wasn't the US was because I wanted to 
point out that objections to the story based upon US law are irrelevant. 
Moreover, innocent until proven guilty is interpreted differently depending on 
what sort of case there is. The term *proven* is context-dependent. There are 
different ways they prove, different burdens of proof. "Beyond reasonable 
doubt" and "clear and convincing evidence" are two used in criminal cases in 
the US. "Preponderance of evidence" is usually used in civil cases.

None of these are "plausible deniability." As I said before, this is a term of 
spycraft and statecraft. Usually it's used to describe how a powerful entity 
like a nation state can defend itself against attacks by less-powerful 
entities. There are forms of torture that are popular because they leave no 
marks on the victim and therefore give the state plausible deniability. 
Bureaucracies also use this technique to spread blame or leave the blame with 
some other person. 

In a number of cases involving spectacularly failed companies, the CEO has 
tried to stick someone else with the blame through plausible denial. Or perhaps 
the family and associates of a fraudster use a form of plausible denial to 
avoid conviction or trial. (I am not saying that using plausible means you're 
guilty -- it only means you don't have a better defense.) It works sometimes 
and doesn't work others. It didn't work for Bernie Ebbers, for example. 
Plausible denial combined with a lack of evidence works really well, but it's 
not a legal principle at all.

Most people who use the term "plausible denial," particularly us crypto people, 
would be better served to say "reasonable doubt." It's a better marketing term 
at the very least.

But anyway, back to deniable encryption and what is a language-theoretic issue.

If your security model includes technical issues and policy issues, but your 
attacker has different policies, then your security might fail for 
language-theoretic reasons.

To a border control person (and that's who I was talking about), Truecrypt is 
the same thing as a suitcase with a false bottom. Technically, we'd say that it 
is a container that (assuming it works correctly) *might* have a secret 
compartment and that one that does have secret compartment is 
information-theoretcially indistinguishable from one that has a secret 
compartment. But if you read the previous sentence to a border control person, 
they might hear, "...it is a container ... that ... has a secret compartment." 

The difference is policy, not technical. If their security model includes the 
policy that there's no reason to have a suitcase with a false bottom except to 
put something in it, then how you make a denial becomes everything.

If your denial is "don't be ridiculous, I *know* you guys can spot hidden 
volumes and that's why I'd never use one -- I use it because I'm cheap" then 
you're doing well. If your denial is, "you can't prove there's a hidden volume 
there" then you're not doing so well.

My point is that there are security models out there that know about hidden 
volumes and have their own defenses against them. I used the word "defenses" 
intentionally. They are border control people. Their model considers a hidden 
volume to be an attack, not a defense. They have developed their own defenses 
against smuggling that take hidden volumes into account.

> Evidently in the case of
> http://www.ca11.uscourts.gov/opinions/ops/201112268.pdf They
> were totally unable to get information out of John Doe
> For the entire case turned on the fact that John Doe never
> admitted the existence of the hidden drive, and forensics were
> entirely unable to prove the existence of the hidden drive.
> Customs may have the authority to search through your stuff,
> but if they cannot find what they are looking for, they have
> no authority to make you tell them that it exists and where
> it is.
> But if you *do* tell them that it exists, then they can make
> you tell them where it is.

Absolutely. This is a good thing, too. Please don't think that I am defending 
what they do. I think people should have full legal protections at border 
crossings. I think that the erosion of fourth and fifth amendment rights is 

But again, you're assuming US law, and you're ignoring administrative actions. 

They can seize your laptop and there's not a lot you can do. It's a loss, 
you'll never get it back, particularly if it's not your country. They can flag 
you for a full search on every crossing, too. 

Ironically, one of the best defenses you'd have (particularly as a US citizen 
coming into the US) would be to say something like, "Of course there's a hidden 
volume there. I'll tell you what's in it -- there's the personal records for my 
customers, and if I open that up for you, I have to notify every one of them 
under forty-some state laws. There's millions of them there, and I can't afford 
to do that. That's why I'm using Truecrypt -- I have to have that data with me, 
and I don't trust other countries from stealing my data. If you have to keep my 
laptop until my lawyer calls, it will suck, but I understand. But can you cut 
me some slack this time? I wrote a bunch of emails and memos while I was on the 
plane and they aren't backed up."

Note that this is also a form of plausible denial, but the plausible denial has 
nothing to do with the crypto.


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