On Apr 8, 2012, at 7:30 43AM, ianG wrote:

> On 6/04/12 10:57 AM, Steven Bellovin wrote:
>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:51 10PM, James A. Donald wrote:
>>> So I think that pretty much everyone has already heard that MS PPTP is 
>>> insecure.  Every time I set up a vpn, I am re-reminded, just in case.
>> "Don't use cryptographic overkill.  Even bad crypto is usually the strong 
>> part of the system."  Adi Shamir, 1995.  
>> (http://www.ieee-security.org/Cipher/ConfReports/conf-rep-Crypto95.html)
> All hail the great A5/1 and lesser spawn.
> Seriously though, we suffer tremendously in this industry from overkill.  
> Studying the biases in the field would make a great cross-over PhD in 
> psych-CS-crypto-business.  Is there anyone amongst us who hasn't chortled 
> with glibbity and glee when some despised crypto system falls to a pernickity 
> academic attack?

Sure -- and I (and many others on this list) have worked hard for good, secure 
crypto standards. But thinks like PPTP, even when flawed, have survived for a 
reason.  Often, the reason is that they're far more *usable* than the stronger 
alternatives.  Let's take openvpn, which some others have spoken favorably of 
in this thread.  Consider 
http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html (and 
the "official" starting points.  Then contrast that with what a typical 
sysadmin has to know to set up PPTP.  Yes, I understand why openvpn has a 
harder job, though I do think that a fair amount of the complexity could be 
hidden by (a) a bit more management software, and (b) the developers making 
certain decisions (and hence taking them away from the sysadmin).  Both of 
those take a great deal of taste to do correctly, of course.

IPsec is often worse.  Take a look at, say, 
http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/checkpoint/racoon.html, or 
the man page at http://www.linuxmanpages.com/man5/racoon.conf.5.php .  There's 
a fearsome amount you have to wade through just to decide that you don't need 
to touch, say, the "nonce_size" option.  More substantively, how many hours 
will it take the typical sysadmin to understand the description of the 
"generate_policy" option?

So -- you're the typical sysadmin.  You can spend many hours trying to 
understand all that stuff, or you can click through a very few screens and get 
crypto that will certainly deter the casual adversary at the local hotspot, 
will block even the NSA's vacuum cleaners -- and if you're targeted, might not 
be the weak point after all, since exploiting bad crypto depends at a minimum 
on actually picking up the traffic of interested, while a host exploit is 
always there.

Yes, the algorithms and protocols can be very important, especially if you have 
serious enemies. They're also more fun for many folks (myself included) than 
the really hard engineering and development work to make the thing usable.  
They're orders of magnitude more fun than the arguments in standards bodies to 
agree on what is really necessary as an option, as opposed to something that 
most people don't want but some vendor insists has to be there for 2.71828% of 
their customer base.

                --Steve Bellovin, https://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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