On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:09 AM, Jon Callas <j...@callas.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I am reminded of an article my dear old friend, Martin Minow, did in 
> Cryptologia ages ago. He wrote the article I think for the April 1984 issue. 
> It might not have been 1984, but it was definitely April.
> In it, he described a cryptosystem in which you set the key to be the same as 
> the plaintext and then XOR them together. There is a two-fold beauty to this.
> First that you have full information-theoretic security on the scheme. It is 
> every bit as secure as a one-time pad without the restrictions of a one-time 
> pad as to randomness of the keys and so on.
> The second wonderful property is that the ciphertext is compressible. Usually 
> cipher text is not compressible, but in this case it is. Moreover, it is 
> *maximally* compressible. The ciphertext can be compressed to a single bit 
> and the ciphertext length recovered after key distribution.

Surely it can be compress to no bits at all?
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