On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Jon Callas <j...@callas.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> [Not replied-to cryptopolitics as I'm not on that list -- jdcc]


> On Mar 28, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Jeffrey Goldberg <jeff...@goldmark.org> wrote:
>>> Do hardware manufacturers and OS vendors have alternate methods? For
>>> example, what if LE wanted/needed iOS 4's hardware key?
>> You seem to be talking about a single iOS 4 hardware key. But each device
>> has its own. We don't know if Apple actually has retained copies of that.
> I've been involved in these sorts of questions in various companies that I've 
> worked. Let's look at it coolly and rationally.
> If you make a bunch of devices with keys burned in them, if you *wanted* to 
> retain the keys, you'd have to keep them in some database, protect them, 
> create access  controls and procedures so that only the good guys (to your 
> definition) got them, and so on. It's expensive.
> You're also setting yourself up for a target of blackmail. Once some bad guy 
> learns that they have such a thing, they can blackmail you for the keys they 
> want lest they reveal that the keys even exist. Those bad guys include 
> governments of countries you operate or have suppliers in, mafiosi, etc. 
> Heck, once some good guy knows about it, the temptation to break protocol on 
> who gets keys when will be too great to resist, and blackmail will happen.
> Eventually, so many people know about the keys that it's not a secret. Your 
> company loses its reputation, even among the sort of law-and-order types who 
> think that it's good for *their* country's LEAs to have those keys because 
> they don't want other countries having those keys. Sales plummet. Profits 
> drop. There are civil suits, shareholder suits, and most likely criminal 
> charges in lots of countries (because while it's not a crime to give keys to 
> their LEAs, it's a crime to give them to that other bad country's LEAs). 
> Remember, the only difference between lawful access and espionage is whose 
> jurisdiction it is.
> On the other hand, if you don't retain the keys it doesn't cost you any money 
> and you get to brag about how secure your device is, selling it to customers 
> in and out of governments the world over.
> Make the mental calculation. Which would a sane company do?

All excellent, well articulated points. I guess that means that
RSA Security is an insane company then since that's
pretty much what they did with the SecurID seeds. Inevitably,
it cost them a boatload too. We can only hope that Apple
and others learn from these mistakes.

OTOH, if Apple thought they could make a hefty profit by
selling to LEAs or "friendly" governments, that might change
the equation enough to tempt them. Of course that's doubtful
though, but stranger things have happened.

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