On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 1:42 PM, coderman <coder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> - are you relieved NSA has only a modest effort aimed at keeping an
> eye on quantum cryptanalysis efforts in academia and other nations?

But clearly you must not be.

If you want to assume quantum cryptanalysis then you should only use
ECDH when you can protect the public keys with something like NTRU
(that is, if you must exchange public keys over an insecure network at
all) that we think is impervious to quantum cryptanalysis.  Once you
have that then IMO the DJB curves look pretty good.  Once you have
session keys you can use AES in any reasonable AEAD mode (by generic
composition with HMAC, with SHA-3, GCM, whatever) if you like (and I
would, provided the implementation is constant-time).

Why do you need working keys?  Mostly for session management reasons
(traffic analysis alert!).  If you can avoid the need for
distinguishing between long-term and working keys and you can
physically distribute public ECDH keys and then keep them secret then
you don't even need NTRU.

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