i did not read the paper, but, if their model is a variant of OTP, with a running stream cipher, it is possible, that it is "non-decryptable by method" or semantically secure, or has no algorithmic decryption, only brute force. however, as protein signalling (bio-informatics) is based on a limited "alphabet" of amino acids, which is further reduced because form requires that each amino acid will have only one mate (opposite)--the shape & structure of proteins very much defines the function of proteins; i am hard pressed to see, how they can come up with an infinite number of possibilities. rather, the signaling would be quite specific. in other words, well defined, not ambiguous. just the opposite of OTP.

On 4/10/2014 12:53 AM, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
On 2014-04-09, at 7:17 PM, travis+ml-rbcryptogra...@subspacefield.org wrote:


This is nonsense, right?

  Unbounded in the sense of relying on secrecy of the unbounded number of 
The distinction between algorithm and parameter (along with other things) seem 

I commented on it is a few posts in sci.crypt.  Here are trimmed highlights.

Jeffrey Goldberg wrote in Message-ID:   <bqe4cnft6k...@mid.individual.net>:

[...]the 60 item bibliography of their paper cites only one source in 
cryptography (and that is on quantum key exchange).

Somehow the first sentence of the paper doesn't inspire confidence either:

"It is often the case that great scientific and technological discoveries are 

What I see as I glance over this paper is that people who have been caught up in the 
fadish understanding of "chaos theory" see that they get PRNGs out of their 
dynamical systems (true enough).

But quite emphatically, the PRNGs that you get from most of this non-linear 
dynamical systems are not cryptographically appropriate. Indeed, there are 
tests that can distinguish whether the random sequences is likely to be from 
such a system. If I understand correctly, even their noise filtering component 
depends on exactly that technology.



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