On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 06:04:59PM -0000, John Levine wrote:
> In article <1421436949.4138.11.camel@terabyte> you write:
> >https://www.fcc.gov/document/commissioner-pai-stmt-netflixs-conduct-re-open-video-standards
> >
> >I am not really sure what it is that he is claiming here, but he seems
> >to be taking issue with the use of encryption to prevent DPI.
> It looks to me like he's under the misimpression that Netflix uses
> simple file downloads which could be cached by typical "transparent"
> web caches.  In fact they use some Flash thing that adapts to
> available bandwidth, so as far as I can tell, there is nothing to
> usefully cache.  There's also the issue of how a third party cache
> could tell which users had paid to see copies of the cached stuff.

Au contraire. Netflix file downloads are done as simple range requests.
One way to verify this is to use Chrome to inspect network elements
whilst you're viewing Netflix content.
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