On 13/04/16 03:12 AM, Tony Arcieri wrote:
On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Ron Garret <r...@flownet.com
<mailto:r...@flownet.com>> wrote:

    This HSM is much more general-purpose than a U2F token.

Well, that's true, but it's also hundreds of times bigger than a token
in the Yubikey "nano" form factor, which is actually convenient to keep
permanently in the USB slot of a laptop. Your physical design seems
pretty unwieldy for laptops (see also Yubico's keychain designs).

Yubikey "nano" factor tokens like the NEO-n have also supported more
general purposes than a U2F token (e.g. CCID interface, OpenPGP applets,
see also PIV)

I swear I'm not a paid shill for Yubico, but I'm a fan of small
display-free hardware tokens. While a token like what you've built might
provide Maximum Security under pessimistic threat models, its large size

Who wants to be optimistic with respect to threat models in the current IT landscape?

Do you?

(I much liked what I glimpsed from the original post.)

- Thierry Moreau

makes it look rather inconvenient to me.

Tony Arcieri

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