At 02:40 PM 12/28/01 -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
>Posting PGP to aam also avoids the bandwidth bloat imposed by stego,
>and the extra complication of having to stego and destego images, as
>well as generate the images used for cover.
>Why would anyone bother hide tiny messages in ebay images or
>alt.binaries.erotica.bestiality.hamster  when they can just post to 
>Peter Trei

A.A.M + PGP = covert radio transmitter which sends coded messages.  Obviously
interesting, so you direction-find to defeat the anonymity.

[Moderator's note: And how would you possibly do that? --Perry]

Stego = signalling via called-in requests to a commercial music radio station.
Not interesting.

Sure its extra work but high risk requires high effort.
Strong-anonymous broadcasting takes work too.




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