I might be able to help you. I was the person who
initiated the the DES Challenges, getting RSA
Data Security to sponsor them, and working
with people in RSA Labs on their design (this
was before I switched employers to RSA).

I also wrote one of the search engines. 

I have a fair bit of data, but some of it is
on Zip disks which may or may not still
be readable. I also have a lot of info
on the background of the challenges.

I gave a keynote speech at the 1997 RSA
Conference on the subject.

Peter Trei
Principal Engineer
RSA Security

> ----------
> From:         Matt Curtin[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:         Wednesday, March 06, 2002 5:10 PM
> Subject:      1997 RSA DES Challenge
> Hi,
> I'm writing a book about the 1997 DESCHALL project, tentatively
> entitled /Brute Force/.  I'm using a lot of my own notes and whatnot
> from the period to reconstruct the whole story.  If anyone else has
> anything that would be helpful for putting the story back together,
> including the activity in other efforts, political goings-on from the
> period, etc., I'd be very grateful to receive them.
> Specifically, I'd like to get ahold of:
>  o SolNET stats, project milestones
>  o SGI DES Challenge stats, project milestones
>  o DES Violation Group stats, project milestones
> I've been recently in touch with Rocke Verser and Justin Dolske and
> would also love to hear from other DESCHALL developers.
> /Brute Force/ is intended to be the story of the project, including
> basically enough technology for the reader to understand just what we
> did and how we did it, without becoming a book on DES key cracking
> optimization.  The focus in the story, the groups and people involved,
> with the political, legal, and Internet computing threads woven
> throughout the story.  I'm hoping to have it finished in time to be in
> stores on the fifth anniversary of our success.
> (Yes, it's been five years!)
> Thanks in advance for any data, pointers, or other help in getting
> this story told.
> -- 
> Matt Curtin, Founder  Interhack Corporation  http://web.interhack.com/
> My new book,  /Developing Trust: Online Privacy and Security,/  is now
> available.  See site for details.  research | development | consulting
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