In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Greg Rose writes
>At 01:30 AM 10/2/2002 -0400, John S. Denker wrote:
>>"R. A. Hettinga" wrote:
>> > "the first computer to crack enigma was optical"
>>1) Bletchley Park used optical sensors, which were (and
>>still are) the best way to read paper tape at high speed.
>>You can read about it in the standard accounts, e.g.
>But Colossus was not for Enigma. The bombes used for Enigma were 
>electro-mechanical. I'm not aware of any application of optical techniques 
>to Enigma, unless they were done in the US and are still classified. And 
>clearly, the first bulk breaks of Enigma were done by the bombes, so I 
>guess it depends whether you count bombes as computers or not, whether this 
>statement has any credibility at all.

If memory serves (my references are at home), the Bletchley Park crew 
used holes punch in large grids.  They'd overlap many sheets and see 
where the light made it through; that would be a good key (or candidate 

I don't know if you'd call that a "computer", but it was an interesting 
optical device.  I'm sure there have been many later applications of 
similar principles -- see Shamir's TWINKLE, for example, which relied on
detecting aggregate brightness over many LEDs.

                --Steve Bellovin, (me)
       ("Firewalls" book)

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