> I'm largely ignorant of the technical details, which leaves me free to
> throw out possibly stupid or insane questions, such as:
> Would it be possible to tag the vertices and bones to provide "hints"
> for retargeting. Something along the lines of creating a vertex group
> "knee" that would be associated with the "knee" joint in the skeleton?
> And does it follow that retargeting may largely be an issue of
> tracking the joint positions when the bones are scaled, such that
> vertices that define the knee are translated to stay with the knee
> joint when the thigh is lengthened, the "hip" vertices are unchanged,
> and the vertices between them stretch proportionally?

The problem you are talking about is more about adapting the morphology of
the body to a new skeleton. That's something managed in MakeHuman through
scaling and morph targets I think.

The problem of the retargeting of the animations is different: if you
define a walk animation for a small guy, then if you apply naively this
animation to a big guy with much bigger legs, then the legs will go
through the floor or through each other. Every such motion is in fact
adapted to the limb proportions of the skeleton, you can scale the whole
skeleton, but if you scale separately some limbs then the animation of
those limbs will need to be adapted.

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