-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [Lisp] Web-based Oracle browsing tool available
Date:   Fri, 05 Jan 2007 14:32:27 -0500
From:   Heow Eide-Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm totally checking this out as I'm currently stuck in Oracle-land.

- Heow

On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 21:12 -0500, John K. Hinsdale wrote:
[Lisp-ers - this may be of interest to anyone doing database work in
Lisp using Oracle.  This tool was developed in CLISP using its Oracle
module.  It is sufficiently useful that I have seen people to install
CLISP just to be able to use this tool.]


I've just posted to SourceForge a Web-based tool I've developed and
have been using for a few years to browse data in tables and views on
Oracle servers.  I'm calling it Oracle Table Browser (OTB):


OTB is very rich in functionality, including:

 - Browsing of schemas, tables, views and dynamic SQL queries
 - Filtering, sorting,  etc.
 - Editing of tables and table/view comments
 - Automatic generation of schema diagrams
 - Automatic linking of columns based on Oracle foreign keys
 - Simple data profiling (column histograms, % null, etc.)
 - Very advanced query plan display and analysis page
- Upload files into table from Web - Download table/view/query to spreadsheet (Excel)
 - Ability to save/recall SQL queries
 - Access control for read/write at any combination of
   server, schema and table/view levels

The interface is entirely Web-based, so that once installed, its
functions are available to all users on your network who have a Web
browser, i. e., all users on your network. ;)  OTB works with your Web
server's existing authentication mechanism to map user permissions to
database objects.

I am interested in having interested users download and attempt to
build this first beta release.  I can provide assistance to the early
adopters and would appreciate any feedback on the installation
instructions.  This tool has proved very popular in the place I've
deployed in industry so far in the past couple years, and I'm please
to make it available to everyone via the GNU General Public License
(GPL) going forward.


        John Hinsdale

John Hinsdale, Alma Mater Software, Inc., Princeton Junction, NJ, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.alma.com/staff/hin | +1 609 716 6308

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