> >>>Internet Routing
> >>>   A bit about how the internet works (and an introduction 
> >>> to my course 258)
> Hmmm, I don't see 258 in the catalog...

I used to teach two different courses each year,
and 258 was the (most recent) other one.   
I agreed to teach 119 each semester for awhile,
and have done so for the last few (3?) years.

258 is a course that analyzes Internet Protocols.
In the past this has been through descriptions
of the protocols and writing network programs
using the Sockets interface.  

Next year we are going to add Ethereal, a public-
source package that allows you to view packet
exchanges.  We will use this tool as another
way to understand how the core Internet Protocols

A lot has happened in the three years since I
taught it last.  I'm thinking of adding IM 
and Peer Networking (aka Napster) protocols
as examples.  

- jeff parker

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