De: Cscwg-public <> En nombre de Bruce Morton 
via Cscwg-public
Enviado el: viernes, 5 de enero de 2024 21:02
Asunto: [Cscwg-public] Voting Period begins - Ballot CSC-21v2: Signing Service 

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Purpose of the Ballot
This ballot updates the “Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management 
of Publicly�\Trusted Code Signing Certificates“ version 3.4 in order to clarify 
language regarding Signing Service and signing requests. The main goals of this 
ballot are to:

  1.  Clarify the Signing Service definition and the expected deployment model.
  2.  Remove requirements for signing request.
  3.  Change text so Signing Service is not categorized as a Delegated Third 
  4.  Not allow Signing Service to transport Private Key to Subscriber.
  5.  Ensure Network Security Requirements are applicable to Signing Service.
  6.  State audit requirements for Signing Service.
The following motion has been proposed by Bruce Morton of Entrust and endorsed 
by Tim Hollebeek of DigiCert and Ian McMillan of Microsoft.


This ballot updates the “Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management 
of Publicly�\Trusted Code Signing Certificates” ("Code Signing Baseline 
Requirements") based on version 3.4. MODIFY the Code Signing Baseline 
Requirements as specified in the following redline:<;!!FJ-Y8qCqXTj2!auN14YJqoQ2adPYSUrT8wa45kpRPjd7Xza8iRd3H_TddLXP2yVYYx015i6Di97WxYOAYiaj8sDrTa0x9R7OcYiulEdIm$>

The procedure for this ballot is as follows: Discussion (minimum 7 days)

・                 Start Time: 2023-12-15 00:00 UTC

・                 End Time: 2024-01-05 20:00 UTC

Vote for approval (7 days)

・                 Start Time: 2024-01-05 20:00 UTC

・                 End Time: 2024-01-12 20:00 UTC
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