You can use the bot_show_battlefront or bot_show_occupy_time.
Bot_show_battlefront shows the navareas where bots would meet if they would just run while bot_show_occupy_time will mark each navarea at the time when the bots can reach them. CTs and Ts have diverent colors for that.

Am 03.05.2014 21:34, schrieb Michael Mayea:
Adjusting player timings on a map is something that I spend a lot of time on, and I think there could be a more practical way of doing it. Besides spawning into the game, running the distance, recording the time, doing it for both teams down multiple paths to each bombsite, there could be an easier way to do it in Hammer. It's very time consuming and can go to waste when you make sweeping changes to an area and have to calculate the timings again.

For any competitive map in CSGO timings can make or break it, it's one of the most influential adjustments you can make that defines the map. It would be great if there was a practical way of calculating timings inside of Hammer, it would dramatically speed up my decision making ability when first conceptualizing a map.

A new Hammer feature where you can name paths, turn their visibility on or off, see the time it would take a player to traverse, red or blue for which team would be selected.

I would find this to be a very powerful tool, perhaps it could be implemented if other express their thoughts.

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