It is a gamebreaking issue. Just because it's not on /r/globaloffensive
doesn't mean it's not a real, widespread problem. NFO Servers, probably the
most reliable and one of the largest game hosting services in North
America, has specifically stated they are no longer offering hosted 128
tick Linux servers to customers EXCEPT upon specific request due to
"unsolvable lag problems", I quote that from a support ticket discussion
with them. There is 1 topic on that subreddit actually related to server
operation for every 1000 other garbage posts there are. No need to come
here slingin' zingers like ''I'll stop wonder why Valve doesn't
commernercate herr'' when no one really cares what happens in a subreddit
that has nothing to do with server operation. We have been troubleshooting
Valve's dedicated servers for them for the past 2 years. We've been patient
time and time again. Some of us are done reporting our problems nicely
since we've been trying that for 2 years with almost no response from
Valve. How long is anyone supposed to keep being nice for while being
almost completely ignored in the process?

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 3:31 PM, FX BTR <> wrote:

> No you are wrong, read my first answer. If after doing so you still think
> that's what I said, I'll stop wonder why Valve doesn't communicate much
> here.
> 2014-09-19 21:04 GMT+02:00 MiShU # <
>  @ FX BTR:
>> So am i right that u really think that there is  - at the moment -
>> nothing weird with this linux-reserved lag-spikes? Maybe in some countrys
>> like the US or so there is a larger amount of windows-servers which dont
>> have these issues so u get not enough input about that or whatever.
>> But its a fact that linux servers with different linux-distributions,
>> different hardware have this problems and its a fact that this problems
>> start with the update from 10th september. And i would say that nearly 99%
>> of all csgo-servers in europe runs on linux. So YES, this is a major
>> problem!
>> Whatever! Sourcemod seems to be fixed, but there are still lag-spikes (no
>> more gamebraking-spikes on our side, but spikes which werent there before
>> 10th september update and with more plugins running).
>> Am 19.09.2014 20:50, schrieb Absurd Minds:
>> You do hear about it if you look around at something other than reddit.
>> Reddit is full of people who play exclusively on valve servers (which are
>> capped to a low enough player slot that they won't experience the issue)
>> combined with people who automatically downvote any thread about a
>> technical issue that they do not personally experience, because they
>> believe that every technical problem is user error. If you look at the
>> steam forums, alliedmods, or any community tailored to people who actually
>> know something about the game, you will see a much different story.
>> On Sep 19, 2014 2:47 PM, "FX BTR" <> wrote:
>>>  He said it "most likely affects everyone and makes the game
>>> unplayable", if it was true, we would here about it somewhere else than on
>>> a mailinglist. I don't need to know anything about the game, if you can't
>>> play it, you can't play it, simple.
>>>  About the "session is full" issue, it's simple, we know Valve are aware
>>> of the problem so we delete new threads related to it. We also sticky this
>>> thread
>>> <>
>>> from time to time.
>>>  I just think that when you exaggerate like that in your feedback, when
>>> something really problematic for everyone happens it takes more time to be
>>> addressed because every week there is a new "gamebreaking issue for
>>> everyone" when actually it isn't the case. The fact that he mentions a
>>> riot/boycott also tells a lot about the quality of the feedback.
>>> 2014-09-19 20:27 GMT+02:00 Absurd Minds <>:
>>>> Like all large communities, reddit is also filled with a large, vocal
>>>> group of people who know nothing about the game and care more about
>>>> watching a ninja defuse or a c4 themed birthday cake. The communities
>>>> populated by server operators who are heavily embedded in the development
>>>> side of the game and actually know a think our two about servers are full
>>>> of reports, and those are the communities you should be looking at when it
>>>> comes to server performance.
>>>>  On Sep 19, 2014 2:11 PM, "FX BTR" <> wrote:
>>>>>  2014-09-19 19:55 GMT+02:00 Ejziponken - <>:
>>>>>>  Also this is not just affecting a few servers, its most likely
>>>>>> affecting everyone because on forums like Alliedmodders and other
>>>>>> communities a lot of server owners and players have been complaining 
>>>>>> since
>>>>>> this patch was released. This new problem makes it unplayable
>>>>>  We don't see a significant increase of reports regarding servers on
>>>>> reddit since the latest patch. I believe reddit is one of the biggest
>>>>> communities alongside the CSGO hub on Steam.
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