I just released a SourceMod plugin to fix this problem, if anyone is interested:

But hopefully Valve will release a fix of their own ;)


Am 20.12.2015 um 22:37 schrieb Absurd Minds:

I've noticed it but had no idea what caused it. I always thought it was just some random glitch.

On Dec 20, 2015 4:36 PM, "ch4os" <ch...@chaosmacher.de <mailto:ch...@chaosmacher.de>> wrote:

    Well, I "fixed" this bug with a SourceMod plugin. Joining
    spectator team is now delayed by 200ms which gives time to set
    "cl_spec_mode 5" on client first. This prevents the bug but forces
    the client to reselect firstperson mode.

    I'm still wondering why noone recognized this bug so far, it has
    to be there for a while now...

    On 20.12.2015 at 14:34 ch4os wrote:

        Ok, now I'm 100% sure this is an engine bug.

        In addition to my other servers on Debian 8 I just set up a
        new vanilla server on Windows 10.
        Start parameters:
        "-game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +map

        I didn't change any other cvars. No SourceMod etc.
        Bug could be replicated (steps 1-5)...

        @Valve devs: Could you please have a look at this? It's
        probably not a huge priority for you but it's still an
        annoying bug...
        Thanks in advance!


        On 19.12.2015 at 23:30 ch4os wrote:


            I recently discovered a very strange bug that I'll try to
            explain in detail.

            I run 4 different CS:GO servers (practice server,
            funserver with aim maps, pug server, surf server). All of
            those servers have the same bug and I'm really out of ideas...

            How does this bug look like?
            - If someone joins spectator mode and watches someone else
            in first person mode, the player still alive can't see
            their viewmodel (weapon and hands) anymore. It looks like
            "r_drawviewmodel 0" was executed.

            I removed all SourceMod and MetaMod plugins, bug is still
            happening. So I think this is really an engine bug.

            How can this be replicated exactly?
            1) Run your server with default competitive settings, with
            or without MetaMod/SourceMod
            2) Start up de_dust2
            3) Join CT team together with a friend
            4) You have to be apart enough for this to work (as this
            bug seems to only happen when transition effect is not
            visible), so let your friend walk all the way on A long
            until he reaches pit
            5) You stay on CT spawn, switch to spectator.

            Make sure you didn't have to switch from thirdperson to
            firstperson. If you had to switch to firstperson first,
            type "retry" in console and continue from step 3.

            If you switch to spectator and you instantly watch in
            firstperson and see your friend, the bug should now be
            visible for your friend. He now can't see his viewmodel
            anymore and the only way to get it back seems to be
            rejoining the team.

            Fun fact: This does NOT happen if "mp_death_drop_gun" is
            set to "0".

            Could anyone please try to replicate this bug? This is
            extremely annoying when surfing and someone is watching
            you... so any help greatly appreciated!

            Thanks in advance for any feedback!

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