Do you have a POC?

 From:   Stealth Mode <> 
 To:   <> 
 Sent:   10/10/2017 12:44 AM 
 Subject:   Re: [Csgo_servers] Custom files exploit 

Yes, IT skills. Electronics skills. And old school knowledge of how to inject 
image files with malicious code (NetSec/ITSec). This is an older style of 
"hacking". Remember those warnings about clicking download attachments from the 
90s onward? Same thing still applies. Except, there is no detection for any 
hlds/go server, so an injected image can contaminate a server cache. Which in 
turn will infect clients. Any image file, any data file really, can be modified 
like this. Willing to bet good money those $500. go weapon skins have hack code 
scripted and injected into the image.

On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 11:59 AM, iNilo <> wrote:


But you have anything to back this up? (don't take it the wrong way)


2017-10-09 16:54 GMT+02:00 Stealth Mode <>:

Headsup admins/owners. Might want to disable custom files till valve addresses 
this issue brought to their attention a month ago.
There is an exploit where any client with minor skill can inject custom files 
with all types of malicious code. From hacks in weapon skins, to ransomware in 
custom .bsp, to remote backdoors in custom spray paints.

The exploit is injecting code into any image, sound, or data file. You can take 
weapon skins (csgo), sound files, spray paint image files, even .bsp/etc. and 
inject hack code, or actual ransomware, viruses, or Trojans/rootkits directly 
into a server cache, or client cache via the custom file. 

Might want to disable custom files till valve decides to correct this issue.

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