On Sun, 08 May 2005 06:12:32 -0400, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
http://gsasmart payconference.com *(take the space out between smart and conference; dont want this message to be searchable.)*
I guess what I'm asking here is for any info regarding how I could of coded the site better/differently/more semantically, etc, etc.
It had to be fully standards compliant and accessible so some extra coding was involved.
XP_SP2 IE/FF1.0.3/Opera8-- 1280 optimal LCD

Nice, well designed site.

Getting 16px shift on the page not deep enough to draw a scroll bar. Try adding: html {min-height: 100%; margin-bottom: 1px;} to correct this for those browsers that support it.

On the "conference agenda page," left column, the text is centered rather than flush left in Opera8.. Try adding !important to that declaration? Or specifically target Opera with that selector with this filter: @media screen and (min-width: 0px){#stuff { text-align: left!important; } }

You may want to check the page in a text-mode browser: <http://www.delorie.com/web/lynxview.html>.

aside: The 80% font-size on the text is a bit tough on us older folks with a wide monitor-- would you consider setting that selector to default and reducing the line-height accordingly?

BTW, assuming that the site is being developed somewhere in the vicinity of the Charles, we in Chelsea confirm that life does exist under the Mystic River bridge. Or does it?


Best, David Laakso


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