Dear All:

Thanks for the extremely useful feedback that I've got about the project.


Rahul: Site looks great!  You do have a few Mac issues though.  Here are some

I believe that IE Mac 5.5 and prior versions have a problem with text-align: right. If there is a hack which is easy to implement, then I'd like to put it in - otherwise, I'm going to skip it..

Also the logo on top in your screenshot (IE Mac 5.2 800x600) seems to have slipped a bit. I'm not sure how to fix that - the whole image centreing thing is beyond my comprehension at the moment.

David :

9 screen captures:

Thanks a ton! This helps a *lot*. I don't see any issues with Safari 1.2 (1024x768). However, your caps don't include IE for Mac - which is where I assume most of the problems will be.

Thanks Arthur and Anthony for looking at it!


No graphics! Using foxfire win xp peo  Arnie

Can't seem to reproduce your error - and since the other people have seen the images, I assume that it was a server problem when you checked? Thanks for looking though.

Ingo : I will definitely look at changing the links hover color - it does add some coherence to the page. Thanks for the tip, and I was just looking at the image centreing technique - you've contributed towards that! Thanks for that!

Once again,
Thanks a lot everybody who looked at this. Much appreciated!

As an aside, where can one download older copies of browsers? Is it possible to use multiple copies of say IE (6.0, 5.5, 5.0) on the same machine? This is obviously for Windows - for Linux, Konquerer is the only one I test on.

Rahul Gonsalves.
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