You don't need a separate sheet for IE hacks, you can write the hacks into your main sheet using the following syntax.

For example say there was a margin issue

margin: 0 0 15px 0;
_margin: 0 0 25px 0;

The second style definition only works in IE :-) no need for a separate sheet. This saves a lot of time when tweaking cross browser differences.


T. R. Valentine wrote:

I like the technique of importing an IE 'hack' stylesheet by using the
<!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="IE_hack.css" ..... <![endif]-->
because it doesn't require good browsers to have to look at a lot of garbage.

But I've run into a problem. When using one of my available alternate
stylesheets I do not want the IE 'hack' stylesheet. But, because it is
in the XHTML file, IE uses it.

I was thinking that if there were a way to put a conditional import to
the CSS files where I need IE to use the IE hack css file, I could
take it out of the XHTML and then it would not be used when I don't
need it. Is this possible? Or, is there a better technique?


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